Delta Innovations- Co-founder
Delta Innovations was founded to develop new and exciting technology. Officially the company was founded in March of 2018, however, its origins go back over 4 years to Delta Engineering, the high school team that sparked our interest in engineering and technology.
Delta recently competed in the Finals of the 2018 Mel Woodward Cup and took home the honorable mention prize of $3,000 of leverageable funds. These funds are currently being leveraged to continue prototyping as well as secure a patent on the technology. Delta is already in discussions with several IP lawyers in order to effectively protect the design.
Delta's most recent focus and 2nd Place winner in the Atlantic Engineering Competition, Mouz, is an accessory that turns any smartphone into a computer mouse. Designed by engineering students- for engineering students, it allows users to always have a CAD ready mouse without carrying around a standard or bulky wireless mouse. The touch screen allows for touch gesture control, which can be used uniquely in CAD applications for 3D manipulation.
The team is currently made up of two engineering students- one Mechanical and one Electrical. This ultimate pairing of skills allowed the team to rapidly develop and reiterate a fully functional prototype in less than a month. This prototype proved to be an effective MVP to prove the concept and get initial feedback from potential customers.
An initial market analysis has been completed, and the team has had many discussions with Engineers and students alike. The initial feedback is promising, and the team is very excited to further develop the technology with the hopes of taking it to market.